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Droplet spreading on two fibers and Fluent VOF

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Old   December 18, 2013, 17:24
Default Droplet spreading on two fibers and Fluent VOF
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 50
Rep Power: 15
cdf_user is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulate the spreading of a droplet on two fibers. I have written a code that does this simulation and I am trying to validate the results with a commercial solver such as Fluent. However, I am not sure if my setup of Fluent simulation is correct and would like to see what you guys think about it.

The first attachment that you see is the result from my code. The second attachment is the mesh that I have prepared for Fluent simulation.

What do you guys think about this setup, especially the boundary conditions?

Mesh Setup:
The mesh basically has a rectangular volume around two cylinders. I have marked this volume as fluid (water). Then there is another volume around the water volume, and this volume is air. All 6 faces of the interior volume (water) are marked as 'interior' and all 6 faces of the outer bigger volume (Air) are marked as 'pressure outlet'.

Fluent Setup:

I have several questions on Fluent case setup.

What is Implicit body force mean in the VOF dialog box in the models tab?

In the Phases tab in Fluent, I have setup my phase 1- primary phase as Air and my phase 2- secondary phase as Water.

There is something wiered going on the Cell zones conditions tab? I have 2 zones listed (Attached screenshot): one water and other one air. when I set the water zone as phase 2 and then click the air zone, the air zone is also phase 2. When I set the air zone as phase 1, and click on the water zone, the water zone is also listed as phase 1. For some reason, I cannot mark the two cell zones as phase 1 and phase 2 zones separately?????????????
Attached Images
File Type: jpg demo1.jpg (27.0 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg 3d mesh.jpg (45.6 KB, 10 views)
File Type: jpg Fluent cell zone conditions.jpg (30.6 KB, 10 views)
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