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Vortices Decay

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Old   January 4, 2007, 13:49
Default Vortices Decay
John Deas
Posts: n/a
I am currently studying the vortices that are created after a winglet obstacle in a planar rectangular channel. I would like to quantify the rate at which the big "rotational structures" transmit their energy to smaller ones, and ultimately disappear at some distance from the obstacle.

the rate at which all the rotations tend to disappear to get back to a developed velocity profile.

I will never be at Re>4000.

Since helicity is a conservative quantity, I thought I could have studied its variations and then determine how it is transfered from one structure to another, or the way its value tend to match the value for the developped profile (which is 0).

I would like to know if this kind of comparison between several sets of data (DNS, experimental, RANS,...) is relevant, or if I should better look for another criteria which would better describe vortices decay.

Thanks !
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