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Y+ problems for a wind turbine blades

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Old   September 11, 2013, 20:16
Default Y+ problems for a wind turbine blades
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Elio is on a distinguished road
I am modeling a 3D case of a vertical axis wind turbine. I calculated the first layer (which was 3e-5 m)however i got a y+ value of 708 after 1 complete rotation of the turbine!!! It's a complete mess. I need a y+ value of 1. I already have 11 million elements. Do you think the solution has not converged completely yet? Or is there any other way? Please advise
In addition one rotation is taking around 2 days to get a solution. So I need a solution that could get me going faster.
Many thanks
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Old   September 12, 2013, 19:16
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Why do you need y+ of 1? If your flow turbulent then a y+>>1 is OK and you can use wall functions. Wall functions are accurate when correctly applied.

The best way to determine what mesh you need is with a mesh sensitivity study. You need to do this to see what mesh size you need. At the moment you are guessing.

To make a simulation go faster get the thing running in parallel. That is why supercomputers are built to run CFD simulations - they are big and require serious computing power.
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Old   September 12, 2013, 19:19
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Elio is on a distinguished road
Sir I am using 7 parallel CPUS with 98 GB rams. However, I need to catch the laminar layer on the blades walls. It's a transient model so things are changing and it's getting all mixed up. If you have another advice please do help
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Old   September 12, 2013, 19:29
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Why do you need to catch the laminar BL on the blades? What Re are the blade running at?

You are doing well to get a simulation like this to run in 2 days. I think by the time you refine the mesh it will be much slower. So you will need faster and more computers. But before you do any of that, have a careful think:
* Do I need to model the whole thing in transient? Can a simplification give me enough information?
* Do I know what mesh size I need? Do a mesh sensitivity study on a small simple section before doing the whole thing.
* Likewise for time step size and convergence criterion.
* Why do you need to model the laminar BL? Be sure you actually need this before committing to it - it is going to make your simulation many times bigger.
* If you are talking about laminar BL then do you need a turbulence transition model?
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boundary layer thickness, turbine blade, vawt wind turbine

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