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Hybrid mesh quality

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Old   May 22, 2013, 04:31
Arrow Hybrid mesh quality
Johannes Ringborn
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 40
Rep Power: 14
j_h_86 is on a distinguished road
Dear all of you,

I am meshing now as a student for 2 years with different programs (ICEMCFD, Ansys meshing, Gridgen).

While doing hybrid meshes (mostly 2d) I heard and read a lot of different opinions how a "good" hybrid mesh should look like (y+, transition...).

So here are a few questions:

-Is it essential that the 99% velocity boundary layer lies completely within the inflated structured layer? (as it is sometimes not doable...)

-Is there a personal preference of the growth ratio of the inflated boundary layer and the size of it? (I heard everything from a ratio of 1.05 to 1.2 with 20 to 40 layers)

-Maybe the most important question: what is a good transition between the structured (e.g. quad) and the unstructured (e.g. tri) domain. Is it only a relatively small area/volume change and a small skewness of the cells in both of the domains? (and if so, what should be max for this area-/volume-change?) -what are other criterias for a nice transition

Any comments would be highly appreciated!

Best regards
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