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Generalized Kutta condition?

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Old   March 12, 2013, 02:19
Default Generalized Kutta condition?
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Jay Lemmon
Join Date: Mar 2013
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I'm shamelessly cross-posting this question here and on the computational science stack exchange. But it's pretty quiet over there so hopefully someone here can help me out.

I'm working on a 2D inviscid fluid simulation using a "panel method", with Potential being used to enforce the no-through boundary condition. I'm trying to incorporate the Kutta condition, which says that the pressure above and below an airfoil are equal when the streams meet at the trailing edge, or equivalently that the velocity is smoothly leaving the trailing edge from the top and bottom of the airfoil in the same direction.

It's usually invoked relating to airfoils, and most literature on the subject (eg: Aerodynamics or Modelling of Steady & Unsteady Flow Around 2D Airfoils Using Panel Methods) assumes you know beforehand where your trailing edge is. However, I want to be able to simulate any arbitrary 2D surface (well, as arbitrary as you can get with simple polygons) in any arbitrary unsteady flow.

Is there a generalized version of the Kutta condition that I can use? Something that would work for bluff bodies, airfoils, and any other random shape and still give the proper results?

Or alternatively, is it actually necessary to enforce it if I'm aiming for a purely inviscid flow? A couple of different sources have hinted that it's actually a fudge that enables you to take one of the important aspects of viscous flow without all the rest of the overhead.
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Old   March 13, 2013, 16:06
New Member
Jay Lemmon
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 13
Numsgil is on a distinguished road
Sorry to bump this, but I'm not making much traction on my own trying to find information online. Any help would be appreciated.
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