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Extra information needed.

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Old   March 29, 2006, 12:00
Default Extra information needed.
Kapil S
Posts: n/a
Hi guys...! I was going through a few messages, this sounds really good and neat. People out here are very helpful.

Anyways, I have an undergraduate college based technical paper presentation coming up by the end of April. I have already done quite a bit of reading and collected a few material. I would like if you people could help me out with some more material/case studies. Case Studies are very important.

The topic of my seminar is "Numerical Solution to Navier Stokes Equations" (thats basically CFD), but as of now, I need to present a paper on it. And i'm sure all of you could help me out with a few things. If any1 of u has a paper, please send that to me as well, for reference. I would be adding the name in the references section and credits would be given to all for your case studies. I prefer more of case studies. In case you people dont have some ready made material for me to read and organize for case studies, atleast give me topics on which I could do some easy study on.

And Since its a college based Technical paper presentation (a part of university syllabus), the material will not be given out to any other place in any form. so there would be no copyright problems, as nothing is done for commerical reasons.

Please reply as soon as possible.

Thank you guys.

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