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Solid Edge and CFD

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Old   February 2, 2006, 09:50
Default Solid Edge and CFD
Posts: n/a
Hi all,

Has anyone here used 'solid edge' as their CAD package for any of the major cfd packages - fluent, cfx, ACE, etc?

Can solid edge be used as a CAD package for the above CFD packages? If so is it any good for building models and does it have meshing capabilities?

Don't know much about solid edge so a brief description of its abilities would be really appreicated.

Thanks for your help.

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Old   February 3, 2006, 12:10
Default Re: Solid Edge and CFD
Posts: n/a
you will find you can use pretty much any CAD package with any commercial code as their meshers will usually accept common CAD data formats (stl, iges etc etc). I very much doubt solidedge has a meshing facility and if it does it is likely to be biased towards structural FEA.

Some of the codes plug directly into CAD, Fluent has a CATIA imbeded plugin that allows you to model directly in the CAD package (although it still isnt released), CD-Adapco has imbedded plugins for Solidworks, Catia, pro/E and Unigraphics NX as well as its own CAD(ish) package called STAR-Design, CFDesign has plugins for pretty much all of the CAD packages including solidedge although it is not imbeded, just an additional button in your CAD, it just takes the geometry and sticks it in CFDesign cutting out 2 steps (export and import) so the choice is yours!
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