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strange question

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Old   December 3, 2005, 23:09
Default strange question
Steven Park
Posts: n/a
I don't know if I'm asking my question in the right field, but here goes:

I'm an ear, nose throat surgeon with a biophysics background, with an interest in diagnosis and treatment of snoring.

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea is a poorly understood process with multiple causes. One simple way of analyzing snoring would be to model the upper airway as a long thin tube with different areas of compliance. I wanted to create a computer model to to simulate what happens in normal people and in snorers.

Is there anyone with any expertise in what I am looking for, or am I looking in the wrong field altogether? If not, what field, person or organization would be appropriate to ask? Thanks.
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Old   December 4, 2005, 01:29
Default Re: strange question
Junseok Kim
Posts: n/a
Actually, that sounds quite interesting project. I went APS meeting last week and found some talks about fluid and structure interaction simulations, check below site conference program, especially, first couple of pages.

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Old   December 4, 2005, 04:01
Default Re: strange question
Posts: n/a
This is the right place for your question, It is Fluid Mechanics, people have studied blood flow for a long time using CFD, from what I know, the main difficulty is how to represent the solid boundaries because the surface geometry is not easily represented mathematically speaking, but that was years ago. Good luck, perhaps one of the readers with biomedical experience could answer your question
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Old   December 4, 2005, 08:14
Default Re: strange question
Posts: n/a
> Is there anyone with any expertise in what I am looking for, or am I looking in the wrong field altogether?

It depends on the type of computer model you are wishing to develop. A general 3D solve anything model is beyond current off-the-shelf commercial codes but is viable within a research project at one of the better universities or research agencies. This is my field, email if interested.

Alternative approaches using lumped elements and/or 1D simulations requiring a degree of approximation and experience but do exist at least in the field of speech and I would expect them to exist in the field of snoring. Many decades ago one of my old profs got into trouble experimenting on parrots to gather data to develop and test such models. If I recall correctly, the models were simple and worked quite well but it is not a subject I am fully on top of.

> If not, what field, person or organization would be appropriate to ask?

Ideally you want to talk to a technical acoustics research organisation. The larger ones cover both the mathematical modelling and the medical and psycological side of acoustics. Here is an example:

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Old   December 21, 2005, 05:24
Default Pre-requisites of cfd user
Posts: n/a
I am final year student taking Bachelor Mech.Eng from Malaysia. Now i busy on doing an assgiment title "CFD : Past,Present and futures". One of my essay contents is "Pre-requisites of cfd user". Can someone help me to elaborate this. In other word what are the basic knowledges /skills should be known for someone who trying to use cfd as his tools?
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Old   December 21, 2005, 05:30
Default Re: Pre-requisites of cfd user
Junseok Kim
Posts: n/a
I can say, some degree of understanding of physics, mathematics, and computer programming skill are required for someone who wants to do cfd.

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Old   December 30, 2005, 06:06
Default Re: Pre-requisites of cfd user
Robin Hood
Posts: n/a
Pre-requisites of a cfd user is to concentrate in class. Especially when Dr Zamri is teaching, do not fall asleep and try to catch everything. Especially when you are in Uniten...DOnt try to cheat.... DO on ur work pal
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