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Rheolef 6.1: an efficient FEM C++ finite element library for solving PDE

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Old   May 17, 2012, 04:01
Default Rheolef 6.1: an efficient FEM C++ finite element library for solving PDE
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Pierre Saramito
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Grenoble, France
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Rheolef: an efficient FEM C++ finite element library for solving PDE

Version : 6.1

Distibution: sources and binaries as debian packages

Keywords: finite elements, numerical simulation, partial derivative equations,
C++, meshes, graphics

* equations on a surface: implements three diferent FEM methods
* improves the high order Pk Lagrange interpolation implementation
* ports on intel c++ 12.0 and gnu c++ 4.7 new compiler versions

Previous features:
Rheolef is a programming environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for
computations involving finite element methods (FEM) for solving partial
differential equations (PDE). Rheolef is both a C++ library and a set of
commands for unix shell programming, providing algorithms and data structures.

* Algorithms refer to the most up-to-date ones: preconditioned sparse solvers
for linear systems, incompressible elasticity, Stokes and Navier-Stokes flows,
characteristic method for convection dominated heat problems, etc. Also
nonlinear generic algorithms such as fixed point and damped Newton methods.

* Data structures fit the standard variational formulation concept: spaces,
discrete fields, bilinear forms are C++ types for variables, that can be
combined in any expressions, as you write it on the paper.

Combined together, as a Lego game, these bricks allows the user to solve most
complex nonlinear problems. The concision and readability of codes written
with Rheolef is certainly a major keypoint of this environment.

Main features

* [NEW] Massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI.
* [NEW] High-order polynomial approximation.
* Poisson problems in dimension d=1,2,3.
* Stokes problems (d=2,3), with Taylor-Hood or stabilized P1 bubble-P1 elements.
* linear elasticity (d=1,2,3), including the incompressible case.
* characteristic method for time-dependent problems:
transport, convection-difusion, and Navier-Stokes equations.
* input and output in various file format for meshes generators and numerical
data visualization systems.

Advanced features

* auto-adaptive mesh algorithms.
* axisymetric problems.
* multi-regions and non-constant coefficients.
* nonlinear problems with either fixed-point algorithms or a provided generic
damped Newton solver.
* 3d stereo visualization

Both reference manual and users guide are available.

The license is GPL.

Pierre Saramito
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, France
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