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Speaking about CFD, Supercomputing

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Old   August 7, 1998, 20:47
Default Speaking about CFD, Supercomputing
Jungsoo Suh
Posts: n/a
Hi, everyone. I'm a young research engineer in Korea.

Now, I'm collecting an analects or saying about the importance of CFD or supercomputing by celebrity.

It is very importat for our company now. If you know about these things, please let me know about it.

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Old   August 7, 1998, 22:12
Default Re: Speaking about CFD, Supercomputing
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
Although Hollywood film industries have been involved in 3-D computer graphic simulation and animation using high speed graphic workstations, they have not touched the CFD part yet. ( I could be wrong.) But, with more and more people with aerospace experience working in animation and simulation business, it shouldn't be that difficult to include CFD simulation in the animation films. From time to time, AIAA Journal and ASME Journal have published review articles on CFD related topics. NASA /Ames also has published abstracts of CFD research papers related to so-called super-computing.( the name of super-computing is becoming a classic soon . It has been replaced by the parallel computing, which will be followed by the low-cost computing in the next century). For a country to survive in the next century (less than two years from now), CFD will play the key role. By looking at the global and Asian economic problems, it can be seen that those countries having problems are the ones over-looked the importance of CFD. I am not sure exactly what you are looking for. Could you be more specific about it? Would you be willing to share with us the story behind? Hope I don't delay the timing for you getting the answers.
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Old   August 9, 1998, 19:53
Default Re: Speaking about CFD, Supercomputing
Jung-soo Suh
Posts: n/a
Thank you for your kindness. Actually I'm working at supercomputing laboratory. And all members of our laboratory should inform about the importance of supercomputing and CFD to executives and director.

For this point, our manager thought that it will be efficient quotation of sayings of celebrities.

So, if you have any source about this information, please let me know about it.

Thanks, have a good day.
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