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Recommend a good Dynamics textbook

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Old   August 5, 2009, 09:33
Default Recommend a good Dynamics textbook
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siw will become famous soon enough

Can anyone recommend a good Dynamics textbook? Something that has plenty of clear descriptions as well as the derivations and clear illustrations. Thanks
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Old   August 9, 2009, 02:02
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George Thomas
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engineering mechanics dynamics, by hibbeler, pearson, prentice hall....could be useful for you


"The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises"Leo.F. Buscaglia
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Old   August 21, 2009, 04:01
Default one dimensional Heat transfer-tool
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Hi Everone,

I need to calculate simple heat transfer problems, like the cooling of an automobile engine.
My task is to estimate if the power of a cooling fan by knowing the thermal radiation of an IC-engine
I can do it in an difficult but detailed way by mashing the complete car, determining all bc's like heat conduction through all different materials etc. But is there any other 1-dim. which can aproximate all these values and calculate the simple physics of this process.
Is GT-power the right tool?

Thanks in advance
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Old   September 6, 2009, 17:17
Join Date: Aug 2009
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There are equations that can be used to calculate heat loss but you need some information about the problem. You can use some empirical data but you need to know simple stuff like volumetric flow rate of water through the radiator and other values.
A method called the log mean difference can be fairly useful but you need at least some of the tempertures to use this method.

Let me know exactly what you are trying to do.

GT Power is not the way forward for you judging by how much data you have in regards to your problem, it also has parts called GT Cool to do cooling. The problem with this is it required massive ammounts of time to correlate the simulation and the simulation requires masses of time initially.
I have done a vast ammount of engine simulation and correlations and in the end they are very useful as a development tool but it can drain so much of your time. I have used it to develop production engines and then used it to develop the production engines in to Le Mans and other racing engines but to have a good model which is accurate to within 2% volumetric efficiency throughout the opperating range involves around 2-3 months of solid work which includes a lot of dyno data aquisition time.

I am happy that I can help somebody here about something I know about as all I seem to do the rest of the time is dream that I'll be able to understand some of the complex cfd questions that get asked here.

Let me know what you want to know and I'll try and explain to you as clear as I can.
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