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Direct PhD in universities researching on ElectroAerodynamics

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Old   July 5, 2020, 04:16
Question Direct PhD in universities researching on ElectroAerodynamics
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Varun V P
Join Date: Jun 2020
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Hello everyone,
This is my first post here. I work in the Indian Institute of Science, on robotics mechanical simulations. I have completed my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. But lately I've been gaining interest in the topic of fluid dynamics, that too in electro aerodynamics, like in the MIT video below

I've always had an inclination towards the mechanical sciences, and now I think I know what I'm really interested in. I realize that the field is called by many different names(electro kinetics, MHD thrusters, EAD, EHD, etc.) I also know that it's a very new and niche field, and that job opportunities after education might be hard to come by. So I'm looking at something realistic like using EAD/EHD/MHD for practical applications like drag reduction(for propellers/turbines maybe?), but ideally, I would like to work on something which would contribute to a significant portion of thrust in an aircraft. I wanted to know which are the university labs working on something like this. Obviously, there is MIT, but reading some papers on the topic, there are authors in Japan, some in France. Purdue's Plasma and Flow Visualization's lab comes close, I think.
In my humble opinion, these solely focus on that field, but I would like a university where they would have resources to implement this on some aircraft.

I would like to know if someone here has worked on this field, or anything close to it, and which universities you know that are working on this. What are the trends in this field?
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education, fluid dynamics, mhd, phd student, propulsion

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