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Academic legitimacy to a PhD application

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Old   January 28, 2019, 10:55
Question Academic legitimacy to a PhD application
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Join Date: Jan 2019
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twake is on a distinguished road
Dear Community,
This is my first message and I am happy to interact with you

As I just got graduated from a French engineering school w a specialization in fluid mechanics I would have liked to know your opinion about "my" legitimacy in front of professors, searchers to apply at their labs.
First I wish I had better results during my three-year programm after national exams and very intensive two-year preparatie courses in physics, IT and maths. During first year I had to adapt at some point to pass the exams as the subjets were demanding me to show more dedication into school scientific work, so I resat the two semesters to get in the end a only C-level (knowing that my school was demanding 12/20 and not only 10/20 like right now). The second year was OK without resitting (still C-level like most of my freshmates, the major to be granted a B-level). However I had A-level in last-year school project before my final-year project in aeraulics sin industry.

During last semester, again resitting for some subjects related to fluid mechanics, heat transfer and radiative sciences, and combustion. Well from my point of view some familal tough context from my mom's disease.
So I wanted to know if it is better for me to be disccouraged from PhD application, and rather to orient to classical engineering jobs. I heard both opinions from my professors. One would be surprised to enquire about my desire in PhD application after having supervised me during resitting. I remember another one older telling during magistral courses that he would be to accept some very motivated students applying to a PhD even if they were lacking some academics.
I am asking because of applying especially abroad where academic reputation is essential to a candidate compared to Frane I think. Even though official transcripts from English may not be asked at first it is likely to be asked in a short delay.
Best from Thomas
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academic, phd programs

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