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Tired of employers focus on commercial code experience

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Old   August 15, 2011, 19:51
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Martin Hegedus
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Are we really ready to develop a good "worst practice" right now?
The aerodynamicists have the information. Whether they feel comfortable putting it down on a piece of paper is a different story.

This is engineer problem, we need make best use of our money and time.
Exactly. It is not a research project. However, if there was reference materal out there that stated where you could use CFD to minimize your risk, and also where CFD does not help, you would probably use CFD. After all, one does not want to look ignorant by using CFD on something that it should not be used for. Of course, this is assuming that some of your note worthy risks were related to aerodynamics, which I gather is the case since WT time is generally expensive.
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Old   May 14, 2014, 10:43
Default Whats needed is needed !!
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Vijay Mali
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Hi All,

There are very good inputs given by other members here. I am involved in CFD engineer recruitment process in my company for last 8 years. And this is what I noticed and think of.

During your academics, if you have developed CFD code, its great work. I think you are the one who would have very strong foundation to go ahead. But I think we need to focus on "go ahead in what area". If you are planing to make career as CFD software developer, thats what all you need. You are the best fit.

But when it comes to CFD application engineer, I think few required pieces are missing. As you have worked on CFD code development, you must have touched one part of the complete CFD cycle. It might be some specific model or scheme you have worked on. I think thats not sufficient for being application engineer. Application engineer needs to know the complete process starting from pre to post, result interpretation and design changes. He needs to have hands-on experience solving few real industrial problems, hands-on on few commercial codes/software. Although you are in best position to learn them, but it would be an investment for an employer. Why employer should do that when there are other people with all required skill sets.

So in my opinion, if you have decided to make career as CFD application engineer, its better to invest some time learning commercial codes. You need not be expert, but beginner level knowledge with couple of projects would do. Believe me, it would not take too much time for you to do this. You can get deep into specific software/industry once you get the job. But to start with focus on getting things required to enter into the industry as CFD application engineer.
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