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Cygwin remote command using batch file on Windows

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Old   July 20, 2015, 10:04
Default Cygwin remote command using batch file on Windows
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Join Date: Jul 2015
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I would like to automate OpenFOAM simulations because I have to model the motion of 3 spheres in a fluid in a cuboid. So as to do that, I want to use Matlab.
My strategy is to create a programm using a loop with 6 stages for each of them :
1) Launch cygwin (because I have to use a Windows OpenFOAM version using the cygwin emulator)
2) Access the snappyHexMesh file to set up the geometry using the new position of my spheres using a Matlab script (that I created, and who gives new positions of the sphere using the former position and the forces given by using sample on OpenFOAM)
3) Modify the snappyexMesh
4) Launch simpleFoam
5) Store the steady state file containing U, p etc...
6) Calculate the new position using my Matlab script.

But I have a first problem : i manage to automatically open the cygwin window but furthermore I need to access my snappyhexmeshdict repertory in the cygwin window (so as to be then able to modify snappyhexmesh) automatically .
Here is what I wrote in the window cmd of Windows :
C:\\OpenFOAM\\cygwin64\\bin\\mintty.exe "D:/Users/.../"
In I just wrote cd test/...
So for the moment, I just want to automatically launch cygwin and to be in the case directory written in the batch file but I don't manage to do it.
I have been dealing with it for 2 days but I didn't know which informations were relevant for my case. So, that's why I created this thread and I would be grateful if a foamer could help me.
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