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Using ANSYS Fluent 18.0 on workstations with multiple network cards and PBS Pro

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Old   February 28, 2017, 11:23
Cool Using ANSYS Fluent 18.0 on workstations with multiple network cards and PBS Pro
New Member
Kees Kuijt
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 10
cheezum is on a distinguished road

At this time I try to setup the following configuration:

Workstation with 2 NIC's:
- NIC-1 --> VPN to license server with ip-range
- NIC-2 --> IP-range to communicate with PBS Pro Scheduler

I want Fluent to retrieve the license from the network and then submit its job to (where the PBS scheduler resides).
ANSYS Fluent is used in an interactive mode so the scheduler is reporting back to Fluent continuously.
What happens is when Fluent is started, it adds the following parameter to the PBS command:
LM_PBS_ARGS=LM_PBS_ARGS=-r18.0.0 3d -pdefault -mpi=intel -node -t30 -mport -g ,PBS_ENABLED=1"

As far as I understand is the mport parameter used for setting up communication between the headnode and the Fluent workstation. ( is the workstation).
However, communication between these two networks is not possible (at least not without setting up routing etc.etc.).

I really would like to know if it is possible to modify the LM_PBS_ARGS parameter because the mport should be instead of

Also, Is it possible to provide a parameter to Ansys Fluent 18.0 (via the Fluent Launcher) so Fluent uses a specific network interface for communications?
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2 nic, ansys, fluent launcher, network, pbs pro

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