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simulating wind shear profile for a wind turbine--> How???

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Old   April 15, 2012, 00:54
Default simulating wind shear profile for a wind turbine--> How???
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Hi everybody
I am doing a CFD simulation of a 2 bladed wind turbine under wind shear profile condition when the wind speed changes according to a logarithmic wind profile. The wind turbine is standstill ( not rotating) and I want to model a single blade at the zero azimuth angle ( = blades are supposed to be vertical).

The question is:
How should I simulate the B.C on the geometrical plane of symmetry?
What is the B.C? From the first moment it is clear that "Symmetric" boundary condition is not true because the wind speed distribution on the two sides of this plate are not the same.

I was thinking to use a domain and put a single blade somewhere in the domain. in this new model the domain is stretched out of both sides of the blade ( form the root and the tip).Therefore I can apply the wind profile to the domain and this wind profile contains some some part of the wind profile just before the blade's root.

This new idea can simulate some effects of wind shear profile near the blade's root; however, because the other blade does not exist here the wind simulation is still not exact in the sense that the wind before the blade's root is not affected by the other blade.

Can anybody please help me to clarify which B.C should I use?

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wind shear profile

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