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Creating a line/edge from the intersection of two surfaces

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Old   February 1, 2011, 20:11
Default Creating a line/edge from the intersection of two surfaces
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dirty trucker
Join Date: Feb 2011
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jdwarren is on a distinguished road
Howdy folks, I just created my account so I'm brand new to the scene here. I'm also a Fluent novice, so bear with me.

I have a simple model of an artery with a stenosis in it (see attached image). I am trying to plot static pressure vs. Z (Z being the principal axis of flow in the artery) along the center of the "bottom" edge of the artery including over the stenosis for every time step in a transient solution. In the attached screenshot you should be able to see the faint green line I am talking about.

Now, as you can see, I defined a "named selection" in the mesher for this line (as well as one along the top, which is not an issue since it is straight and I can easily define it within Fluent), but it is not showing up in Fluent. The other named selections (with the exception of "top-midline") are surfaces which *DO* show up in Fluent. Does anyone know how to get this line to show up in Fluent (or create it within Fluent)? I was able to define it in CFD-post by taking the intersection of two other surfaces, but I don't know how to do that in Fluent.

Essentially, what I intend to do is execute the following:

"plot plot yes p_bottom_%t yes no no pressure yes 0 0 -1 6 ()"

with every time step in order to write ASCII files with p(z) which I can then import into MATLAB using a simple "for" loop. I will then time-average the output so I can compare my results to pseudo-steady (it's turbulent) results obtained experimentally.

Initially, I figured I could just get this time-averaged stuff out of CFD-post, but that does not appear to be the case. If anyone has any idea how I can either just create this line in Fluent or achieve my desired end state in some other way I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg bottom-midline.jpg (33.3 KB, 55 views)
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