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Batch mode for a VOF

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Old   November 22, 2010, 12:23
Default Batch mode for a VOF
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Montréal
Posts: 97
Rep Power: 16
Touré is on a distinguished road

I am trying to solve a two-phase flow with VOF on a cluster in batch mode with 4 cores. It's a simple problem of a 2 dimension (2-D) dambreak. At the initialisation time, I have a rectangular domain with the half of water on the left side and the other half of air at the right side. I have this error message:
Primitive Error at Node 0: set_domain_residuals: not enough memory.

My mesh is 500 elements on x direction and 100 elements on y direction. So, it a total of 50 000 elements for all the domain. I don't know if there is an an option to distribute the memory in batch mode.

My command line is:
time fluent 2ddp -ssh -t4 -pethernet -cnf=/home/mtoure/dambreak/hostfile -g -i <fluent_case.jou>& fluent_case.out &

The fluent_case.jou is:
; Journal file for FLUENT
; Read case and data files
rc /home/mtoure/dambreak/FFF.cas
rd /home/mtoure/dambreak/FFF.dat
;to specify the reporting interval you use:
/solve/set/reporting-interval 10
;to specify the time step size you use the command (in second):
/solve/set/time-step 0.001
;to specify the number of time step and inner iteration you use:
/solve/dual-time-iterate 2400
; Write data file
wd example2400iter.dat

Thank you for your help.
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Old   August 17, 2012, 23:48
Default Solved
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Montréal
Posts: 97
Rep Power: 16
Touré is on a distinguished road
My command line is:
fluent 2ddp -ssh -ssh -t8 -g -i <fluent_case.jou > fluent_case.out

The journal file is:
; Journal file for FLUENT of a transient flow

cd /sb/home/mtoure/dambreak4

; Read case and data files
/file/read-case FFF.cas
/file/read-data FFF.dat

; To specify the data autosave frequency (100)
/file/autosave/data-frequency 100

; To specify the case autosave frequency
;/file/autosave/case-frequency 0

; To specify the the root name of the data files or case files
/file/autosave/root-name FFF

; Initialize the solution
; /solve/initialize/initialize-flow

; To specify the reporting interval you use (10):
/solve/set/reporting-interval 10

; To specify the time step size you use the command (in second):
/solve/set/time-step 0.001

;to specify the number of time step (exemple 2400) and inner iteration you use:
/solve/dual-time-iterate 2400

; Write data file
/file/write-data Data2400iter.dat

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