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How to add energy to cells?

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Old   October 5, 2010, 06:21
Post How to add energy to cells?
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I’m doing my master thesis work for a company and I am using Ansys Fluent 12.1 with academic license.

The company has given me a table with coordinates in 3D of the center of each cell and the energy within each cell according to the table below.


How can I insert the energy at the correct coordinates in my analysis?

I have tried file>interpolate, made my own .ip file with the right format. I was using internal-energy but fluent said ignoring internal energy when interpolating.
I have also been reading that it is maybe possible to do it with UDf files, but I haven’t found anything on how to use data from tables, I have only found how to use functions.

Please help.

Best Regards/

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Last edited by JoFFe; October 5, 2010 at 06:36.
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Old   October 5, 2010, 06:41
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 60
Rep Power: 16
stage81 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by JoFFe View Post
I’m doing my master thesis work for a company and I am using Ansys Fluent 12.1 with academic license.

The company has given me a table with coordinates in 3D of the center of each cell and the energy within each cell according to the table below.


How can I insert the energy at the correct coordinates in my analysis?

I have tried file>interpolate, made my own .ip file with the right format. I was using internal-energy but fluent said ignoring internal energy when interpolating.
I have also been reading that it is maybe possible to do it with UDf files, but I haven’t found anything on how to use data from tables, I have only found how to use functions.

Please help.

Best Regards/

I have some problem as you, My goal is to implement a source term (e.g: energy) in a defined area of my field of computing, I have a simple 2D configudation (100 mesh along the X axis and 100 mesh along the Y axis) and I want to inject a source term (ie: source = 10000W/m3) in a grid of coordinates (X =50 and Y = 50) and I can not specify in my UDF cell in which I would inject my source
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cell, energy, interpolate, source, udf

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