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DPM: accretion and difference between two wall BC's

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Old   September 13, 2010, 09:52
Default DPM: accretion and difference between two wall BC's
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cactilio86 is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

Let's see if someone can put some light on what Fluent actually does (user's guide has not proved useful in this case).

I have two small questions regarding the use of DPM:

1.- One is related to the accretion model: I have three different surface injections at the same surface, each with a certain (small) mass flow. When I compute the (surface) integral of the accretion in ALL wall surfaces, then the results do not make any sense: I find that the total deposition per second is about two orders of magnitude larger than the total mass injected (per second). Particles are inert.

2.- Doing some trials, I figured that using the "trap" BC at the wall would result in the same results as using the "reflect" BC with restitution coefficient of 0. I have my hypothesis about why it's not the case: the particle, even if reported as "touching the wall'and hence stripped of all momentum, can be blown away by the local flow. But this means that the position of the particle is not really AT the wall (no-slip BC would make impossible for the particle to be blown away), but somewhere near (next cell centre? ). Can anyone confirm upon this?

Any help is highly appreciated !

Last edited by cactilio86; September 13, 2010 at 10:15.
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Old   September 18, 2018, 01:28
Default DPM for getting percentage deposition
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Join Date: Jan 2018
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sumithock is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone
Actually i am new to this module, i have a problem. actually i want to find the percentage deposition of a 90Degrees bend pipe. and i am hanging over this problem from past few days. so can anyone simply tell me the steps to do that.

thanks in advance
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