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Transition SST model for vertical axis turbine

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Old   August 17, 2010, 14:32
Default Transition SST model for vertical axis turbine
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Join Date: May 2010
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baggiovive is on a distinguished road
Hi all,
it has been talking about the new fluent turbulence but I have some more questions for the community.
I'm doing a thesis trying to validate the use of this model for vertical axis wind turbine. So I'm using a low Reynolds number (360000). The airfoil is a simple NACA0012 with the cord length 85.8 mm
I've used xfoil to find where happens the transition and it says around 80% of the cord.(anyone can confirm?)
Then I've made a good mesh, I guess, with both Gambit and ICEM. With both of them I have an y+ around 1 and I can recognize the transition near the 80% of the cord. I got a cd of 0.0085, the reference says 0.0079. Here the questions:

- It's correct if I say that, cause we are using a very low reynolds number so we are in the incompressible viscous field, then the cd I find out is almost all cf?

a more pratical one
-What I have to put in the boundary conditions for Inlet in addition to the x velocity? I read in a Menter paper that we are supposed to specify even the turbulent kinetic energy. The default value is 1. if I suppose a freestream turbulence intensity of 0.1 I get for the turb. kinetic energy a value of 0.37. Is this the value that I have to put or maybe is better to live the default one.

Hope to be clear. I can tell you other stuff, but the post it'll be even more confused. So I stop here. Any suggestions?

thank you all

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