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influence of porous zone in particel resistance time using Euler-Lagrange and DPM ?!

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Old   April 23, 2010, 07:07
Default influence of porous zone in particel resistance time using Euler-Lagrange and DPM ?!
Roman Gobitz-Pfeifer
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stuttgart
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I'm trying to simulate the evaporation of water droplets. The droplets are injected at the top and should run through a structured packing (2D). I'm using a porous zone to simulate the structured packing and DPM to simulate the droplets. Due to heat and mass transfer, a natural convection should flow through the packing from the bottom to the top. Every thing is working fine in a physical point of view, except the particle resistance time. It's to less. Based on experimental results, the droplets should need 20 sec to flow through the packing (height: 80cm). Now the resistance time is just 0.4 sec. Due to this the mass and temperature change of the discrete phase and of the (humid) air flow is to less.
Doesn't FLUENT include the porous zone into the calculation for the DPM?? If so, how can I include this manually??
Any other suggestions the solve this problem??


Last edited by Wikie; April 23, 2010 at 09:05.
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