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UDF for the critical rate of strain.

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Old   March 25, 2010, 16:52
Default UDF for the critical rate of strain.
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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I am trying to implement the following expression in fluent for the critical rate of strain:

gcr = 0.5*lam_flame_speed^2/unburnt_therm_diff

I tried to do it first using DEFINE_PROPERTY:

real gcr;
real ul;
real therm_diff;
real fmean;

real CA0 = 3.84e-5;
real CA1 = -2.4e-6;
real CA2 = 4.48e-7;
real CA3 = -6.1e-8;

fmean = C_FMEAN(c,t);
therm_diff = CA0 + CA1*fmean + CA2*pow(fmean,2.0) + CA3*pow(fmean,3.0);
ul = C_LAM_FLAME_SPEED(c,t);
gcr = 0.50*pow(ul,2.0)/therm_diff;

return gcr;

In the above, I'm using mean mixture fraction polynomial fits. I obtained the coefficients from Fluent. However, when I run my case, the data are off the charts with a minimum of 1.E+8 (which is the default value set by fluent).

So I tried to do it using DEFINE_ADJUST:
Thread *t;
cell_t c;

real ul;
real therm_diff;
real fmean;
real gcr;

real CA0 = 3.84e-5;
real CA1 = -2.4e-6;
real CA2 = 4.48e-7;
real CA3 = -6.1e-8;


fmean = C_FMEAN(c,t);
therm_diff = CA0 + CA1*fmean + CA2*pow(fmean,2.0) + CA3*pow(fmean,3.0);
ul = C_LAM_FLAME_SPEED(c,t);
gcr = 0.50*pow(ul,2.0)/therm_diff;


Bu this time, when I interpret it I get the following error message:
Invalid lvalue in assignment at the line where I set C_CRITICAL_STRAIN_RATE(c,t) = gcr.

Going through the UDF documentation, I realized that DEFINE_)ADJUST is only valid to modify variables that are not passed as arguments, which is not the case here. So DEFINE_ADJUST is not suitable.

Can anyone tell me if there is something wrong in my first UDF, or if there is a more elegant way to compute the unburnt thermal diffusivity?


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