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How to validate Fluent simulation????

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Old   March 9, 2010, 18:44
Default How to validate Fluent simulation????
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Hello all,

I am running a 3D simulation and I am having a hard time finding out how to validate my findings. I have 2 inlets (y shape) as the same velocity, one with a concentration of 0 and the other with 1. I have 1 outlet. The geometry is on a micro-scale. How can I validate that my findings are correct? AKA if these two concentrations are mixing as they would in the real world.
In 2d geometries, you can use the friction factor to validate it, but it is much more difficult to do this with a 3D (esp my design) geometry. I am running different cases at different meshes. Starting at an initial mesh and then multiplying the mesh by a factor of -4,-2,-1.5,0 (initial mesh), 1.5,2,4. As of right now all I can find is that the max velocity magnitude at 5 reference points on my geometry is averaging out to a velocity of 0.xxxx m/s (depending on the reference point). The only way I can think about validating my results is to find the AVERAGE velocity at those 5 reference point and see if any of my cases (different meshes) average out using the average velocity of those points. If this is the case, I dont know how to find the average velocity. Do i use fluent or matlab or something else?

If there is an easier way to show how to validate ones findings please let me know. Thanks

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