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Cooling effect of water flowing on the rooftop

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Old   February 19, 2010, 22:57
Default Cooling effect of water flowing on the rooftop
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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sunnyzai is on a distinguished road
I am doing a simulation on flowing water on the rooftop of a model which is 15cm (H)x 30cm (L)x 52cm (W), to monitor the heat transfer of the roof and also the temperature distribution in the model.

I try to built my simple model using gambit by creating a 2D rectangular box with another face of 1cm height as my flowing water:

________________ --> water surface
________________ --> water outflow
|.....(inner air)...... |
|.........................| --> rectangular box with a small opening for ventilation (pressure outlet)

(I set my roof plate as a wall boundary which is hot plate, producing heat to the inner air.)

After that, i try to import my mesh into Fluent (in Ms Window), but the warning come out as follow:

Warning: Both outflow and pressure boundaries are present in the
domain. This is an incompatibility and solution cannot
proceed until this is fixed.

So, what should i set for the next in order to fix the warning above.

1. Since i have two phase, which multiphase should i use, VOF? (but it cannot simulate the heat transfer problem)
2. Is it one of the open channel problem?

Hope someone can help me... Thanks in advance
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