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Natural convection for passive house fluent 6

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Old   November 30, 2009, 12:37
Default Natural convection for passive house fluent 6
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2
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Stuttgart82 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone, I have a big problem about my Simulation for my Mastertheseis.
I am trying to simulate an small house, where the wind is coming through the tower which is on the roof (like Arabian wind catcher on their traditional homes), the air will be cooled by evaporative cooling (I just pretend that there are four walls with 285 K), no two Phasesonly. Air only and no humidity. Than the air goes through one gap out at the bottom area (0.4 qm). Then there are Absorbers (350 K) on the roof which are heating up the air and let it go out thru my pressure outlet .

Section AA of Air-income

| a) what boundary is apropriete?
air comes in --> |
|this is windtower
______________________| |_________
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Section BB of Air-outcome thru the sides

air goes out<--- | | ----> air goes aout
| | here | |
| here is | air | here is |
| absorber |comesin | absorber |
| ______|_______|______ |
| | | |
| | | |
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| | | ^ |
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this is section thru the windtower

Ok, I hope you can understand my plan

Now, I am using the Air -> ideal gas (under Materials)

My BC:
Inlet - pressure inlet 0 Pa ? I want to see the case without wind
Inlet temperature 298

Than that air is frstly cooled down to 292 in the Windtower (liek I said evaporative cooling)

The Absorbers are 350 K

And last my pressure outlet is 0 Pa (standardt)

I have a Mash with 160.000 Cells all same 0.1m

I tried to calculate it with Kapa epsilon and some variations with enhanced walltreatment bat no one could konverge????????

Do somebady have any idea how to calculate it
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