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strange win64 issue

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Old   October 21, 2009, 12:52
Default strange win64 issue
Join Date: May 2009
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ak6g08 is on a distinguished road
hello everyone,

Ive got a UDF and case/data file that all work and compile in win32. when I then copy the case and data files on to another win64 PC (and re-compile the udf using win64 visual studio) and then start iterating...the residuals look completely different, and it seems as if I am running a completely different problem, however the source file i use is exactly the same, along with exactly identical case and data files. I am also issuing the command:

solve/set/expert in order to free temporary memory because i am doing some gradient calculations....

do I need to do something to make the problem work the same way in win64??? i find it very odd that this should happen

thanks in advance
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Old   October 22, 2009, 02:54
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Maxime Perelli
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is your data file a result, or it is just an initial guess?
if it is a result, check if the results are the same as on win32.
Else: after reading case and data into win64, write case and data on the fly, and then try to iterate.
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   October 22, 2009, 06:35
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Thank you for your reply,

the .dat file i am copying into the win64 machine just contains initial conditions. Actually, i have tried it now without the solve/set/expert command and the problem is still there (i thought maybe it had something to do with the temp memory). I have also tried making the .cas file from scratch in the win64 machine and then iterating from there...but the problem is the same. The problem, to be more specific, is that the continuity residual jumps to 1e15 on the first iteration (in the win64 machine)...but it doesnt do this in the win32 machine...has this ever happened to anyone???

I am not getting and compilation errors coming up...I welcome any more suggestions.

Thanks again
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Old   October 22, 2009, 07:43
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just to add something, i have also tried loading a .dat file (With data), I can display all the contours succesfully on the win64 machine, but when i try to continue the iteration from that point in time (again, with same materials etc...). the residuals jump to a much higher value then they if the simulation were reading in a completely different data set...
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Old   October 22, 2009, 07:43
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Maxime Perelli
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try to import your mesh file into win64, and set up the case file as in win 32.
And iterate.
If you still have the issue, let run a computation on win 32 WITHOUT udf, and do the same on win64. And compare.
Just to be sure, if it comes from the udf...
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   October 22, 2009, 07:44
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Originally Posted by ak6g08 View Post
but when i try to continue the iteration from that point in time (again, with same materials etc...). the residuals jump to a much higher value then they if the simulation were reading in a completely different data set...
it is normal
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   October 22, 2009, 08:11
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why is that normal? when i read in a .dat file which runs on a simulation without UDFs, this doesnt just continues normally. and when i read in a data file with the UDFs into a new FLUENT window on my PC, the residuals do not jump, and when i mean jump, i mean by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude, seems a bit strange to me, i would need to lower the residuals drastically, in order to run the same simulation on a different PC?? this is odd...

I have tried running a .dat file without udfs, and the problem is not present.

thanks again
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Old   October 22, 2009, 08:40
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Maxime Perelli
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when I say, it is normal, I mean you change something in the solver or whatever (solver on win32 and win64 shouldn't be exactly the same).
You can try to run a job, and after 100 iterations, change the URF... you will also see a jump.
But no matter, it is afterall important, that the job continues to converge after the jump..
If you don't want to see the jump, re-iterate from zero.

If the issue disappears without UDF, then I assume it is linked to the UDF compiler...
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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