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Where's the singularity/mesh flaw?

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Old   August 2, 2009, 19:38
Default Where's the singularity/mesh flaw?
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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audrich is on a distinguished road
Salutations. I am running a 2D axisymmetric problem and I am getting the following error at the very first iteration:

> (greater-than): invalid argument [2]: wrong type [not a number]

I am assuming this means there is some divide by zero happening, but I do not know where. I am confident the problem is not with anything in Fluent, but rather a flaw in the mesh model.*

I generated the mesh in Gambit using the following journal script:

/GAMBIT journal file. Generates a mesh of a shrouded turbine with linear profile.

/design parameters to be replaced with values outside the jou in the bash script using stream editor SED
$farfield_length = 5900
$farfield_height = 4000
$envelope_length = 650
$envelope_height = 310
$nozzle_length = 87
$nozzle_height = 228
$neck_length = 30
$neck_height = 200
$diffuser_length = 500
$diffuser_height = 306
$shroud_thickness = 10

/create the farfield
vertex create "lowleft" coordinates 0 0 0
vertex create "uprleft" coordinates 0 $farfield_height 0
vertex create "lowright" coordinates $farfield_length 0 0
vertex create "uprright" coordinates $farfield_length $farfield_height 0

edge create "upwind" straight "lowleft" "uprleft"
edge create "downwind" straight "lowright" "uprright"
edge create "ceiling" straight "uprleft" "uprright"

/create the turbine
$x1 = 2000 - $envelope_length/2
$x2 = $x1 + $nozzle_length
$x3 = $x2 + $neck_length
$x4 = $x3 + $diffuser_length

vertex create "xAy0" coordinates $x1 0 0
vertex create "xBy0" coordinates $x2 0 0
vertex create "xCy0" coordinates $x3 0 0
vertex create "xDy0" coordinates $x4 0 0

edge create "axis_pretrb" straight "lowleft" "xAy0"
edge create "axis_nzl" straight "xAy0" "xBy0"
edge create "axis_nck" straight "xBy0" "xCy0"
edge create "axis_dfs" straight "xCy0" "xDy0"
edge create "axis_psttrb" straight "xDy0" "lowright"

$y1 = $nozzle_height
$y2 = $neck_height
$y3 = $neck_height
$y4 = $diffuser_height

vertex create "xAyA" coordinates $x1 $y1 0
vertex create "xByB" coordinates $x2 $y2 0
vertex create "xCyC" coordinates $x3 $y3 0
vertex create "xDyD" coordinates $x4 $y4 0

edge create "inr_nzl" straight "xAyA" "xByB"
edge create "inr_nck" straight "xByB" "xCyC"
edge create "inr_dfs" straight"xCyC" "xDyD"

vertex create "xAyE" coordinates $x1 ($y1 + $shroud_thickness) 0
vertex create "xByF" coordinates $x2 ($y2 + $shroud_thickness) 0
vertex create "xCyG" coordinates $x3 ($y3 + $shroud_thickness) 0
vertex create "xDyH" coordinates $x4 ($y4 + $shroud_thickness) 0

edge create "otr_nzl" straight "xAyE" "xByF"
edge create "otr_nck" straight "xByF" "xCyG"
edge create "otr_dfs" straight "xCyG" "xDyH"

edge create "tip_nzl" straight "xAyA" "xAyE"
edge create "tip_dfs" straight "xDyD" "xDyH"

edge create "vrt_nzl" straight "xAy0" "xAyA"
edge create "vrt_nck" straight "xBy0" "xByB"
edge create "vrt_dsk" straight "xCy0" "xCyC"
edge create "vrt_dfs" straight "xDy0" "xDyD"

face create "farfield" wireframe "upwind" "ceiling" "downwind" "axis_psttrb" "vrt_dfs" "tip_dfs" "otr_dfs" "otr_nck" "otr_nzl" "tip_nzl" "vrt_nzl" "axis_pretrb"
face create "shroud" wireframe "tip_nzl" "otr_nzl" "otr_nck" "otr_dfs" "tip_dfs" "inr_dfs" "inr_nck" "inr_nzl"
face create "nozzle" wireframe "vrt_nzl" "inr_nzl" "vrt_nck" "axis_nzl"
face create "neck" wireframe "vrt_nck" "inr_nck" "vrt_dsk" "axis_nck"
face create "diffuser" wireframe "vrt_dsk" "inr_dfs" "vrt_dfs" "axis_dfs"

/mesh the design as an unstructured grid with triangular elements size 50 (mm)
edge picklink "upwind" "ceiling" "downwind" "axis_pretrb" "axis_nzl" "axis_nck" "axis_dfs" "axis_psttrb" "vrt_nzl" "vrt_nck" "vrt_dsk" "vrt_dfs" "tip_nzl" "tip_dfs" "inr_nzl" "inr_nck" "inr_dfs" "otr_nzl" "otr_nck" "otr_dfs"
edge mesh "upwind" "ceiling" "downwind" "axis_pretrb" "axis_nzl" "axis_nck" "axis_dfs" "axis_psttrb" "vrt_nzl" "vrt_nck" "vrt_dsk" "vrt_dfs" "tip_nzl" "tip_dfs" "inr_nzl" "inr_nck" "inr_dfs" "otr_nzl" "otr_nck" "otr_dfs" successive ratio1 1 size 50

face mesh "farfield" "shroud" "nozzle" "neck" "diffuser" triangle size 50

/set boundary conditions
physics create "source" btype "VELOCITY_INLET" edge "upwind"
physics create "sink" btype "OUTFLOW" edge "downwind"
physics create "symm" btype "SYMMETRY" edge "ceiling"
physics create "ax_sym" btyle "AXIS" edge "axis_pretrb" "axis_nzl" "axis_nck" "axis_dfs" "axis_psttrb"
physics create "shrd_wall" btype "WALL" edge "tip_nzl" "otr_nzl" "otr_nck" "otr_dfs" "tip_dfs" "inr_dfs" "inr_nck" "inr_nzl"
physics create "actuator" btype "FAN" edge "vrt_dsk"
physics create "internals" btype "INTERIOR" edge "vrt_nzl" "vrt_nck" "vrt_dfs"

physics create "fld_med" ctype "FLUID" face "farfield" "nozzle" "neck" "diffuser"
physics create "sld_med" ctype "SOLID" face "shroud"

/export the mesh for Fluent 5/6 with the file name containing all the particular parameters
$mesh_name = "working_design.msh"

export fluent5 $mesh_name nozval

So if anyone would be so kind as to add a fresh set of eyes and tell me what is causing this mesh to always give this error, I'd greatly appreciate it.

*I say this because I tried a different (but similar) mesh using the same Fluent automation journal and it worked fine.
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Old   August 3, 2009, 01:58
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Maxime Perelli
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-mAx- will become famous soon enough
if your check-mesh in fluent is ok, then your error may come from your solver set-up or initialization.
But not from gambit.
So I would try first with other initialization, then with other solver set-up
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 3, 2009, 14:06
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audrich is on a distinguished road
I also thought it was a result of setting up the problem wrong, but it cannot because all my Fluent actions are done through a journal, and when I run the same exact journal with a slightly different mesh, it works.
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Old   August 4, 2009, 02:07
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Maxime Perelli
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-mAx- will become famous soon enough
but is the physics of this different mesh the same? (should you have the same result?)
Is your check mesh ok?
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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error, gambit, modeling, nan

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