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UDF for reading dat files

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Old   July 8, 2009, 10:10
Default UDF for reading dat files
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 31
Rep Power: 17
mrestrepo30 is on a distinguished road
I wrote a UDF to read some velocity values from a .dat file, and the values are represented in 3 columns for each one of the XYZ components. In the UDF I'm using standard C functions (fopen, fscanf, etc).
When I execute the UDF (on demand) in Fluent, I can read up to the row number 1169 (out of 3800); however, when I get to the line 1170, I get the following message:

-************************************************** *******
/homPlease include this information with any bug report you file on this issue!
================================================== ========
/home/local/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/bin/fluent: line 4820: 4012 Segmentation fault $NO_RUN $EXE_CMD $CX_FLAGS
The fluent process could not be started.
-************************************************** *******

Furthermore, in the line 1130 I get always the message:

************************************************** ********
Stack backtrace generated for process id 4012 on signal 1 :
************************************************** ********

Does anyone knows why I keep getting the error and maybe has any suggestion to what should I implement in order to avoid this and read the whole *.dat file???

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dat, fscanf, read file, stack backtrace, udf

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