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gambit crashed

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Old   July 2, 2009, 08:03
Default gambit crashed
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 17
mbgnfrx2 is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I installed Gambit on my linux X86_64 machine with SUSE 10.1. However, when I run gambit from the terminal, the following message appeared:

LANG en_GB.UTF-8 changed temporarily to C for gambit use.
Starting /usr/local/ANSYS/GAMBIT/Fluent.Inc/gambit2.4.6/lnamd64/gambit ...
The amount of free memory is now less than 20% of the total system
memory (physical + swapspace). This Gambit session may end with a crash.
In that event, there are several possible work-arounds.
1) Try running without other larger processes executing on the same machine.
2) Split your model into several smaller pieces.
3) Run Gambit without the GUI to reduce its memory requirements.
4) Try decreasing the number of levels of UNDO.
5) Delete size functions to release the memory used by initialized size functions
and/or generated background grids.
6) See if the system administrator can increase either the physical memory
or the swapspace.
7) Try using Mmap by typing something like these lines in the c-shell:
(cannot be used on windows machines)
setenv FLUENT_MMAP_PATH "some path and filename"
Make sure that the drive has more than enough free disk space.
Segmentation fault

It looks I have no enough memory, but I did not run any case, 4 G memory is usable for gambit. Also I am sure there is at least 40 G free space on the hard drive.

Anyone can help me out? Many thanks in advance!
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Old   August 13, 2009, 04:31
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Andreas Richter
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1
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Caddac is on a distinguished road
I had the same problem. The problem is that linux use the memory for chaching hard disc accesses and gambit only checks the free memory without looking for this. You can free the cached memory with running
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches (as root).
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