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Modelling Heat Convection in a Rotating Disk

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Old   February 27, 2009, 07:09
Default Modelling Heat Convection in a Rotating Disk
Rob Windram
Posts: n/a
Hello all, Need help with a disc brake model please! I've modelled (in fluent) a simple rotating disc with a stationary pad which is defined as a heat source to hopefully see the heat transfer from pad into disc and the advection as the disc carries the heat which should then cool until it reaches the pad again. So far the model appears to be set up correctly, the disc is rotating while the pad remains stationary with an interface on the disc wall and pad wall. However, the disc (defined as a solid) does not appear to receive the heat from the pad as it rotates. So far my model produces a hot patch on the disc which carries away from the pad but doesn't leave the stream of heated material that you would expect! Is there anyone out there who has tried a similar problem pleease? regards

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