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udf function!!

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Old   February 5, 2009, 09:36
Default udf function!!
Posts: n/a
Hi, i was writing a udf code. but i am need a function that will allow me to apply the heat flux to "CELL RESIDUAL".

i have attached my code below! if u find any mistake please correct it.

i'm trying to assign heat flux to a particular zone within my model.

the code as follows:

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROFILE(temperature,cell, thread) {

double q = 4100 ; double r = 0.2 ; double x0 = 0.04, x1 = 0.05 ; double b = x1-x0 ;

double x[ND_ND] ; double vol = (3.1416*r*r*b)/2 ; double htflx = q/vol ;

cell_t cell;

begin_c_loop(cell, thread) { /* loops over all faces in the thread passed

in the DEFINE macro argument */

C_CENTROID(x,cell,thread) ;

if(x0<x[0] && x[0]<x1 ) {

/* This is a cell in the combustion layer */

/* find a function to apply the heat flux to this cell residual

Watch out, F_PROFILE changes the value of a boundary condition

We need here a function that allows to add to the cell residual

C_PROFILE(f, thread, index) = v_max * (1-d*d) ; */

} } end_f_loop(f, thread) }

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Old   February 5, 2009, 09:37
Default Re: udf function!!
Posts: n/a
#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROFILE(temperature,cell, thread) {

double q = 4100 ; double r = 0.2 ; double x0 = 0.04, x1 = 0.05 ; double b = x1-x0 ;

double x[ND_ND] ;

double vol = (3.1416*r*r*b)/2 ; double htflx = q/vol ;

cell_t cell;

begin_c_loop(cell, thread) { /* loops over all faces in the thread passed

in the DEFINE macro argument */

C_CENTROID(x,cell,thread) ;

if(x0<x[0] && x[0]<x1 ) {

/* This is a cell in the combustion layer */

/* find a function to apply the heat flux to this cell residual

Watch out, F_PROFILE changes the value of a boundary condition

We need here a function that allows to add to the cell residual

C_PROFILE(f, thread, index) = v_max * (1-d*d) ; */

} } end_f_loop(f, thread) }

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