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conjugate heat transfer

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Old   February 3, 2009, 04:41
Default conjugate heat transfer
Posts: n/a

I have two materials A and B each material has a thickness the computational domain is like a box and material A placed on the bottom face of the domain and material B placed on the upper face of the material A and there is an air flow from the left face of the domain to the right face of the domain over the two materials and there is a heat transfer between the air and the material A across the material B (Note: the width of the two materials is equal to the width of computational domain)

May questions are:

1- after I draw the two materials inside and on the bottom of the domain as I mentioned, do I have to split the two materials from the domain or subtract or what must I do?

2- Do I have to mesh all faces of the domain, Material A and material B?

3- Do I have to mesh the volumes of the domain, material A, material B

4- Do I have to define each volume in the zones Type in Gambit?

5- How to define the heat conduction between material A and B in fluent?

6- Do you know any book or website or any thing that has details and solved examples simmilar to mine?

I'm looking forward for your reply yours Thanks alot

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Old   February 11, 2009, 10:04
Default Re: conjugate heat transfer
ashwani kumar
Posts: n/a
define everything as usual in gambit, after that

define the interface between two solids as a wall in gambit. while u export it to fluent it will create shadow on each side of wall, and it will couple it, u have to only define the material on the coupled faces. other things like heat transfer or temperature fluent will calculate.
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