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Fence with Porosity, no additional data. How?

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Old   September 10, 2008, 06:08
Default Fence with Porosity, no additional data. How?
Andreas Hornig
Posts: n/a

I want to model and simulate a normal fence and I just have the geometry and so a certain porosity. The porosities are 0.5 and 0.7. I don't have any additional data and the model it self is 2d. I have two ways, to model it. The first way is to build faces representing the fencematerial, an partly blocking the flow with this. But that is really nasty to do, because I want additional porosities and if I have to build porosities in the area of 0.1 or 0.9 it is not worth to spend a lot of time finding a good mesh quality.

the other way would be to do a complete face representing the complete fence containing material and free spaces between and just giving it the propertys of porosity. So I did a 2 faces, the first for the envirenment and this contains the second, smaler face representing the fence. I gave each of these a property of fluid in the gambit menu, exported the mesh and used Fleunt's "Boundary condition" and set the fluid inside the fence area with the porosity value of 0.5. But after some test iteration steps, it seems that the fence didn't do anything.

Could you please give me a hint or more, so that I could set the right settings?

thank you in advance,

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