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Define animate using TUI

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Old   July 24, 2008, 06:43
Default Define animate using TUI
Posts: n/a

I'm a new Fluent user and I'm having some problem defining an animation using the TUI. I have an unsteady problem of which I want to save animation of different views for different variables. Since I have to set a lot of parameters and animations I would like to make it in a faster way through the journal file. When I try to define an animation using the TUI (/solve/animate/define/define-monitor) fluent says:

"First display the post processing results and then define the animation sequence. Also, for all type of monitors(surface,residuals....etc), first set the monitor parameters and then define the animation monitor"

So I suppose I have first to plot what I want to animate and then define the animation. After plotting I try again and it seems to work but when I go and check using the GUI and lot of parameter are wrong or not set:

1)animation name 2)storage directory 3)display type (the most important!!)...which I set to be a contour in the TUI and I found it to be grid in the GUI

Does someone knows how to set animation of contour plot of pressure, density, etc. using the TUI???

thank you very much for your help.


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Old   July 24, 2008, 09:55
Default Re: Define animate using TUI
Posts: n/a

I think I found it by myself, it is not using the TUI but almost.

What I did is this:

1) file->write->start journal 2) set the animations using the GUI 3) file->write->stop journal 4) open the .jou file just created 5) copy and past the code into my .jou file 6) reload.cas and my .jou

Doing so I have all the animation sets as I want to, and I just had to use the GUI once. I didn't knew this useful option. But anyway it still puzzle me that there're certain things that you could do using the GUI and not with the TUI.

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