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Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF) di

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Old   June 3, 2008, 07:41
Default Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF) di
Posts: n/a
Dear all,

I am trying to use the Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF) to run a case which uses UDF.

I managed to run a simple case without UDF using the RSF. The next step was to run a case using UDF. I chose a simple case I had formerly run on my local linux machine (before the licence expired), and wished to see the same results by running it with RSF. To this end I uploaded all the needed files (*.cas, *.dat for the initial conditions, the UDF *.c source file and a simple *.jou that just reads the case and IC data files in, preforms the iterations and write the new data file). I had then run the UDF Builder, that ran properly (see below), followed by Fluent 6.3.26 run (see below). It is evident from the latter that the UDF was not used in the run.

Inspection revealed that the folder structure that the UDF Builder created is different from the one I had in my original run, which is shown the my original local machine file list (see below), i.e., the libudf/ folder level is missing in the RSF file structure. This is probably the reason why my UDF functions were not found, hooked and used.

My question is, how to do it properly? I may do it manually, but there must be a better way.

Sorry for the long posting and thank you, Rami

--------------------------------- the UDF Builder log file --------------

set noglob

setenv UDFSOURCE udf-8.c

setenv FLUENT_INC /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc

setenv SRC_DIR /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src

rm -rf src lnx86

mkdir src lnx86 lnx86/2d

rm -f ./Makefile src/makefile

cp /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src/makefile.udf2 ./Makefile

sed { s/^SOURCES=.*$/SOURCES= udf-8.c/; s/^CFLAGS_LNX86=[[:space:]]*-/&m32 -/; s/^LDFLAGS_LNX86=[[:space:]]*-/&m elf_i386 -/; } /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src/makefile.udf

cp udf-8.c src

chmod -R 770 .

make FLUENT_ARCH=lnx86 FLUENT_INC=/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc

for d in lnx86/[23]*; do \

( \

cd $d; \

for f in ../../src/*.[ch] ../../src/makefile; do \

if [ ! -f `basename $f` ]; then \

echo "# linking to" $f "in" $d; \

ln -s $f .; \

fi; \

done; \

echo ""; \

echo "# building library in" $d; \

if [ "" = "1" ]; then \

echo "# using gcc64"; \

make ARCHC=gcc64 -k>makelog 2>&1; \

else \

if [ "" = "1" ]; then \

echo "# using gcc"; \

make ARCHC=gcc -k>makelog 2>&1; \

else \

make -k>makelog 2>&1; \

fi; \


cat makelog; \

) \


# linking to ../../src/udf-8.c in lnx86/2d

# linking to ../../src/makefile in lnx86/2d

# building library in lnx86/2d

make[1]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile udf-8.c

make[2]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

make "CFLAGS=-m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O " "LDFLAGS=-m elf_i386 -shared -lm -m elf_i386"

make[3]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

# Compiling udf_names.o because of udf_names.c

cc -m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/`expr \`pwd\` : '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename \`pwd\`` -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/client/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/tgrid/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/multiport/src -I. -c udf_names.c

# Compiling udf-8.o because of udf-8.c

cc -m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/`expr \`pwd\` : '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename \`pwd\`` -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/client/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/tgrid/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/multiport/src -I. -c udf-8.c

# Linking because of makefile udf_names.c udf_names.o udf-8.o

ld -m elf_i386 -shared -lm -m elf_i386 udf_names.o udf-8.o -o

ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/ when searching for -lm

ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libm.a when searching for -lm

make[3]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

make[2]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'

--------------------------------- extract from the RSF run transcript file --------------

/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/bin/fluent -r6.3.26 -a lnx86 2d -g -lsf -i rsf.jou

/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/lnx86/cortex.3.7.3 -f fluent -g -i rsf.jou (fluent "2d -alnx86 -r6.3.26 -path/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc -lsf")

Loading "/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lib/fluent.dmp.114-32"


/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/bin/fluent -r6.3.26 2d -alnx86 -path/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc -lsf -cx

Starting /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lnx86/2d/fluent.6.3.26 lsf -cx

Welcome to Fluent 6.3.26

Copyright 2006 Fluent Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Loading "/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lib/flprim.dmp.1119-32" Done.

Initializing LSF Warning: Checkpoint directory does not exist. Done.

Cleanup script file is /data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/cleanup-fluent-n2-24262

/file/read-case "fin-udf-sym-8.cas" Reading "fin-udf-sym-8.cas"...

128 quadrilateral cells, zone 2, binary.

512 quadrilateral cells, zone 3, binary.

128 quadrilateral cells, zone 4, binary.

976 2D interior faces, zone 10, binary.

220 2D interior faces, zone 11, binary.

220 2D interior faces, zone 12, binary.

40 2D wall faces, zone 1, binary.

40 2D wall faces, zone 5, binary.

16 2D wall faces, zone 6, binary.

16 2D wall faces, zone 7, binary.

32 2D wall faces, zone 8, binary.

32 2D wall faces, zone 9, binary.

32 2D wall faces, zone 14, binary.

32 2D wall faces, zone 15, binary.

32 shadow face pairs, binary.

32 shadow face pairs, binary.

887 nodes, binary.

887 node flags, binary.

Opening library "libudf"...

Error: open_udf_library: No such file or directory

Error Object: #f






















shell conduction zones,


; read case file

/file/read-data "fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat"

Reading "fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat"...

Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.


; read ic data file

/solve/iterate 1400 iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity energy time/iter

Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.

1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.8961e-05 0:00:11 1399

Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.

Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.

2 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.1216e-05 0:00:13 1398

Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.

Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.

3 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 8.4400e-05 0:00:12 1397

--------------------------------- extract from the local linux machine file structure (output of l -trR) --------------


total 756

drwxrwxr-x 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 libudf/

drwxrwxr-x 4 ****** ****** 4096 Jun 2 14:46 ../

-rwxrwx--- 1 ****** ****** 133833 Jun 2 15:33 fin-udf-sym-8.cas*

-rwxrwx--- 1 ****** ****** 42589 Jun 2 15:34 fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat*

-rwxrwx--- 1 ****** ****** 318 Jun 2 15:34 rsf.jou*

-rwxrwx--- 1 ****** ****** 4492 Jun 2 15:34 udf-8.c*

-rw-r--r-- 1 ****** ****** 85999 Jun 2 16:13 fin-udf-sym-8.dat

drwxrwxr-x 3 ****** ****** 4096 Jun 3 11:31 ./


total 20

drwxrwxr-x 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 src/

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 1100 Mar 20 12:54 Makefile

drwxrwxr-x 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 lnx86/

drwxrwxr-x 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ./

drwxrwxr-x 3 ****** ****** 4096 Jun 3 11:31 ../


total 24

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 4607 Mar 20 12:54 udf-8.c

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 6303 Mar 20 12:54 makefile

drwxrwxr-x 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ../

drwxrwxr-x 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ./


total 12

drwxrwxr-x 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ../

drwxrwxr-x 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ./

drwxrwxr-x 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 2d/


total 32

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 1400 Mar 20 12:54 udf_names.o

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 1053 Mar 20 12:54 udf_names.c

drwxrwxr-x 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ../

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 2716 Mar 20 12:54 udf-8.o

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ****** ****** 1528 Mar 20 12:54 makelog

-rwxrwxr-x 1 ****** ****** 4638 Mar 20 12:54*

drwxrwxr-x 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 12:54 ./

lrwxrwxrwx 1 ****** ****** 17 Jun 2 15:20 udf-8.c -> ../../src/udf-6.c

lrwxrwxrwx 1 ****** ****** 18 Jun 2 15:20 makefile -> ../../src/makefile

  Reply With Quote

Old   June 3, 2008, 10:10
Default Re: Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF
Posts: n/a
Attempt to make the original posting more readable:



<body lang=EN-US>

<div class=Section1>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Dear all,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>I am trying to use the Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF) to run a case which uses UDF.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>I managed to run a simple case without UDF using the RSF. The next step was to run a case using UDF. I chose a simple case I had formerly run on my local Linux machine (before the license expired), and wished to see the same results by running it with RSF. To this end I uploaded all the needed files (*.cas, *.dat for the initial conditions, the UDF *.c source file and a simple *.jou that just reads the case and IC data files in, performs the iterations and write the new data file). I had then run the UDF Builder, that ran properly (see below), followed by Fluent 6.3.26 run (see below). It is evident from the latter that the UDF was not used in the run.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Inspection revealed that the folder structure that the UDF Builder created is different from the one I had in my original run, which is shown the my original local machine file list (see below), i.e., the libudf/ folder level is missing in the RSF file structure. This is probably the reason why my UDF functions were not found, hooked and used.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>My question is how to do it properly? I may do it manually, but there must be a better way.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText align=center style='text-align:center'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Sorry for the long posting and thank you,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText align=center style='text-align:center'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman"'>Rami</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText>Â

<p class=MsoPlainText align=center style='text-align:center'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman";color:blue'>---------------------------- The UDF Builder log file ----------------------------</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>set noglob</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>setenv UDFSOURCE udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>setenv FLUENT_INC /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>setenv SRC_DIR /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>rm -rf src lnx86</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>mkdir src lnx86 lnx86/2d</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>rm -f ./Makefile src/makefile</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>cp /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src/makefile.udf2 ./Makefile</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>sed { s/^SOURCES=.*$/SOURCES= udf-8.c/; s/^CFLAGS_LNX86=[[:space:]]*-/&m32 -/; s/^LDFLAGS_LNX86=[[:space:]]*-/&m elf_i386 -/; } /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src/makefile.udf</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>cp udf-8.c src</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>chmod -R 770 .</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make FLUENT_ARCH=lnx86 FLUENT_INC=/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>for d in lnx86/[23]*; do \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� ( \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � cd $d; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � for f in ../../src/*.[ch] ../../src/makefile; do \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � if [ ! -f `basename $f` ]; then \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � � � echo "# linking to" $f "in" $d; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � � � ln -s $f .; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � fi; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � done; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � echo ""; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � echo "# building library in" $d; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � if [ "" = "1" ]; then \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'> echo "# using gcc64"; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'> make ARCHC=gcc64 -k>makelog 2>&1; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � else \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'> if [ "" = "1" ]; then \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � � echo "# using gcc"; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � � make ARCHC=gcc -k>makelog 2>&1; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'> else \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � � � � make -k>makelog 2>&1; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'> fi; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � fi;\</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� � � cat makelog; \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>� ) \</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>done</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># linking to ../../src/udf-8.c in lnx86/2d</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># linking to ../../src/makefile in lnx86/2d</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># building library in lnx86/2d</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[1]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># Generating udf_names.c because of makefile udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[2]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make "CFLAGS=-m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O� � � � " "LDFLAGS=-m elf_i386 -shared -lm -m elf_i386"</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[3]: Entering directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># Compiling udf_names.o because of udf_names.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>cc -m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/`expr \`pwd\`
: '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename \`pwd\`` -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/client/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/tgrid/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/multiport/src -I. -c udf_names.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># Compiling udf-8.o because of udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>cc -m32 -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -m32 -O -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/`expr \`pwd\`
: '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename \`pwd\`` -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/client/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/tgrid/src -I/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/multiport/src -I. -c udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'># Linking because of makefile udf_names.c udf_names.o udf-8.o</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>ld -m elf_i386 -shared -lm -m elf_i386 udf_names.o udf-8.o� -o</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/ when searching for -lm</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libm.a when searching for -lm</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[3]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[2]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>make[1]: Leaving directory `/data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/lnx86/2d'</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:blue'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText align=center style='text-align:center'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman";color:green'>---------------------------- Extract from the RSF run transcript file ----------------------------</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/bin/fluent -r6.3.26 -a lnx86 2d -g -lsf -i rsf.jou</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/cortex/lnx86/cortex.3.7.3 -f fluent -g -i rsf.jou (fluent "2d� -alnx86 -r6.3.26 -path/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc -lsf")</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Loading "/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lib/fluent.dmp.114-32"</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Done.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/bin/fluent -r6.3.26 2d -alnx86 -path/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc -lsf -cx</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Starting /apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lnx86/2d/fluent.6.3.26 lsf -cx</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � Welcome to Fluent 6.3.26</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � Copyright 2006 Fluent Inc.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � All Rights Reserved</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Loading "/apps/Fluent.Inc/release/Fluent.Inc/fluent6.3.26/lib/flprim.dmp.1119-32"</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Done.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Initializing LSF</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Warning: Checkpoint directory does not exist.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Done.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Cleanup script file is /data2/qiC7jdu/fin-udf-sym-8/cleanup-fluent-n2-24262</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/file/read-case "fin-udf-sym-8.cas"</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Reading "fin-udf-sym-8.cas"...</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 128 quadrilateral cells, zone� 2, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 512 quadrilateral cells, zone� 3, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 128 quadrilateral cells, zone� 4, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 976 2D interior faces, zone 10, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 220 2D interior faces, zone 11, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 220 2D interior faces, zone 12, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 40 2D wall faces, zone� 1, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 40 2D wall faces, zone� 5, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 16 2D wall faces, zone� 6, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 16 2D wall faces, zone� 7, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 32 2D wall faces, zone� 8, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 32 2D wall faces, zone� 9, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � � 32 2D wall faces, zone 14, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 32 2D wall faces, zone 15, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 32 shadow face pairs, binary. </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> 32 shadow face pairs, binary. </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 887 nodes, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 887 node flags, binary.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Opening library "libudf"...</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: open_udf_library: No such file or directory</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error Object: #f</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Building...</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � grid,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � materials,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � interface,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � domains,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> mixture</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � zones,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> default-interior:012</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> default-interior:010</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> wall:001</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> default-interior</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> top</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> bot</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> x=l</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> x=0</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> wall</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> bot-shadow</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> top-shadow</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> air-t</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> metal</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> air-b</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � shell conduction zones,</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Done.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> � � ; read case file</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/file/read-data "fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat"</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Reading "fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat"...</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Done.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'> ; read ic data file</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>/solve/iterate 1400� � � � � iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity� � � � energy� � � � time/iter</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.8961e-05� 0:</span><span style='color:green'>00:11</span><span style='color:green'> 1399</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 2 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.1216e-05� 0:</span><span style='color:green'>00:13</span><span style='color:green'> 1398</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "qconv_profile::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Error: chip-exec: function "iter_end_udf::libudf" not found.</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>� � � � 3 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 8.4400e-05� 0:</span><span style='color:green'>00:12</span><span style='color:green'> 1397</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:green'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText align=center style='text-align:center'><span style='font-family:"Times New Roman";color:fuchsia'>---------------------------- Extract from the local linux machine file structure (output of l -trR) ----------------------------</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>.:</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>total 756</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 4 ****** ******� � 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> libudf/</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 4 ****** ******� � 4096 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>14:46</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ../</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rwxrwx---� 1 ****** ****** 133833 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:33</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> fin-udf-sym-8.cas*</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rwxrwx---� 1 ****** ******� 42589 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:34</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> fin-udf-sym-8ic.dat*</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rwxrwx---� 1 ****** ******� � � 318 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:34</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> rsf.jou*</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rwxrwx---� 1 ****** ******� � 4492 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:34</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf-8.c*</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-r--r--� 1 ****** ******� 85999 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>16:13</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> fin-udf-sym-8.dat</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 3 ****** ******� � 4096 Jun� 3 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>11:31</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ./</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>./libudf:</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>total 20</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> src/</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 1100 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> Makefile</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> lnx86/</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ./</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 3 ****** ****** 4096 Jun� 3 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>11:31</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ../</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>./libudf/src:</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>total 24</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 4607 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 6303 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> makefile</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ../</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ./</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>./libudf/lnx86:</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>total 12</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 4 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ../</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ./</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> 2d/</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>Â </span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>./libudf/lnx86/2d:</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>total 32</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 1400 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf_names.o</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 1053 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf_names.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 3 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ../</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 2716 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf-8.o</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rw-rw-r--� 1 ****** ****** 1528 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> makelog</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>-rwxrwxr-x� 1 ****** ****** 4638 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'>*</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>drwxrwxr-x� 2 ****** ****** 4096 Mar 20 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>12:54</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> ./</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>lrwxrwxrwx� 1 ****** ******� � 17 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:20</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> udf-8.c -> ../../src/udf-8.c</span>

<p class=MsoPlainText><span style='color:fuchsia'>lrwxrwxrwx� 1 ****** ******� � 18 Jun� 2 </span><span style='color:fuchsia'>15:20</span><span style='color:fuchsia'> makefile -> ../../src/makefile</span>



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Old   June 4, 2008, 06:38
Default Re: Fluent Remote Simulation Facility Service (RSF
Posts: n/a
I have received a solution from Fluent support to my query. For your reference, here are the links: and
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