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Heated porous zone

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Old   April 1, 2008, 13:07
Default Heated porous zone
Posts: n/a

I am trying to model air flow through a heated insect screen. In my fluent model, the screen is very very tiny compared to the rest of the domain. I have made this tiny area a porous zone in the fluid properties and have set the pressure drop across the screen. What I am trying to do now is to give the solid region of the porous zone a certain temperature so that the air as it passes through is slightly heated. I know I can use fixed values in the fluid parameters through the screen, but that would mean everything coming out of the other side of the screen would be at that fixed temperature, which would be unrealistic because of the short amount of time the air is actually in contact with the heated screen.

Is there a way to give just the solid part of the insect screen a constant temperature or would I have to create a UDF?

Would a 'radiator' condition for this small area be more appropriate?

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