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New Error message in Gambit when meshing

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Old   March 18, 2008, 08:15
Default New Error message in Gambit when meshing
Posts: n/a

I'm trying to generate a 3D mesh around a NACA airfoil, C-type of grid with Hex elements and Map. I'm getting an error message which I've never encountered before:

"ERROR: A logical cube for meshing was not able to be found"

Anyone familiar with this?

Thanks and Regards,

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Old   March 18, 2008, 11:33
Default Re: New Error message in Gambit when meshing
Posts: n/a

I have had this once or twice in the past and I think it is down to the fact that hex cells fit better in a cube or quadrilateral shape. How are you meshing this volume?

The was I would do it would be to mesh the 'C' face first. To do this there will be four edges, the inner C, the outer C and the two small ends which join the two c's (you following me!?!). First mesh the inner C, then the two ends with the same scheme. Now mesh the this face with all the hex types (map, submap, Pave) until one meshes nicely.

When this face looks good then mesh the four edges which extend the C shape into the domain and the do a cooper volume mesh and this should work.

Good luck!

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Old   March 20, 2008, 02:40
Default Re: New Error message in Gambit when meshing
Posts: n/a
Hi mate,

This error is basically because Hex meshing in fluent is used when each node on one face maps to the node on the other face.when this is not true, then this error occurs. divide the domain into various parts if you are still particular on doing an hex mesh. or the easier way to reduce your effort on this will be to do a hybrid mesh.

Thanks Kind Regards Ellleana
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