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Old   January 29, 2008, 12:38
Posts: n/a
Hi there!!!

It'd be very useful to make animations in batch mode, but I coldn't find any good tips about this topic.

Any help would be appreciated!!!


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Old   January 31, 2008, 10:04
Posts: n/a
28.1.6 Hiding the Graphics Window Display

There may be situations where displaying graphics on a local machine is not practical, such as when running FLUENT remotely (Section 1.2) or when using the RSF (Section 1.1.4). Therefore, you may decide to hide (or disable) the graphics display window.

To disable the graphics display window when starting FLUENT from the command line, you can specify the driver as null:

fluent -driver null

For a FLUENT session that is already in progress, the graphics window display can be disabled using the following TUI command:

display set rendering-options driver null

All graphics windows must be closed prior to invoking the above TUI command.

If the graphics window display is disabled, you can continue to save graphics using the Graphics Hardcopy option, as described in Section 4.14. The saved graphics files will be identical whether the graphics window display is enabled or disabled.

For a FLUENT session that is already in progress, to re-enable a graphics window display that had been previously disabled, use the following TUI command:

display set rendering-options driver opengl

If any graphics windows are open (which are not visible to you), FLUENT will prompt you to close all open windows. You can close them using the following Scheme command:


and then retype the TUI command to enable the graphics windows.

If you happen to be logged on to a machine remotely, then opengl may not work on your system. Use x11 instead to enable your graphics windows.

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