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Bugg in Remeshing in 3D - Any Fluent Wizards ??

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Old   October 16, 2007, 08:35
Default Bugg in Remeshing in 3D - Any Fluent Wizards ??
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Hi all,

I am simulating an oscillating cylinder in cross flow and wish to accomplish this in 3D. There is a linear simple prescribed motion in order to test the model; the motion is currently only in the horizontal direction. By using a simple compiled UDF, enabling smooting and remeshing, everything goes fine in a 2D simulation.

However, when I switch to 3D, the body moves and the cells adjacent to the body keep on getting stretched (smoothed) without remeshing at all. Even after checking and verifying face remeshing and size function, the remeshing doesn't happen for some unknown reason. It appears to me that either I need to add something or modify the settings I used in 2D or that there might be a bug in the 6.3 fluent version. Surprisingly, the 3D cylinder-piston tutorial has its remeshing working fine, but I have also checked this against my case and I couldn't figure out why I have this remeshing inoperable.

Wonder if somebody out there has had a similar obstacle!!!

Awaiting to hear from anybody.

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Old   November 1, 2011, 05:04
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 39
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snailstb is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Amr
Hi all,

I am simulating an oscillating cylinder in cross flow and wish to accomplish this in 3D. There is a linear simple prescribed motion in order to test the model; the motion is currently only in the horizontal direction. By using a simple compiled UDF, enabling smooting and remeshing, everything goes fine in a 2D simulation.

However, when I switch to 3D, the body moves and the cells adjacent to the body keep on getting stretched (smoothed) without remeshing at all. Even after checking and verifying face remeshing and size function, the remeshing doesn't happen for some unknown reason. It appears to me that either I need to add something or modify the settings I used in 2D or that there might be a bug in the 6.3 fluent version. Surprisingly, the 3D cylinder-piston tutorial has its remeshing working fine, but I have also checked this against my case and I couldn't figure out why I have this remeshing inoperable.

Wonder if somebody out there has had a similar obstacle!!!

Awaiting to hear from anybody.

have you solved this problem? I also face this problem for 3D model. LINUX VERSION of FLUENT6.3 is used. 2D is ok for remeshing. Can you give me some advise, thank you very much.
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