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Mold Filling simulation using VOF model.

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Old   August 17, 2007, 06:05
Default Mold Filling simulation using VOF model.
Nitin Pathak
Posts: n/a
I m trying mold filling using VOF model. The basic set is like this. In model we have sprue through which the liquid metal (say Aluminium liquid) is poured with some velocity. It is basically bottom feeding and the final mold cavity that is to be filled is rectangula plate. I m giving the face of sprue as the velocity inlet with some velocity and the Volume Of Fraction 1 for phase-2 (i.e. Aluminium phase). All the other boundaries are wall conditions. but the mold filling is taking too much time when i compare with the given results. because i m assuming all the walls so the is no way to escape the air nd probably due to pressure build up the rate of mold filling is suppressed. when i apply either pressure-outlet/ outlflow boundary condition on the top of the plate (which is to be fed), it results into splashes of metal flow inside the mold. what boundary condition should give to the upper face of mold so that air can escape. thanks.


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Old   August 21, 2009, 12:54
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sdcpune is on a distinguished road
Quote "I m trying mold filling using VOF model"
Surely you must have started with interFoam and have plans of adding the Temperature term to it later, then think of Turbulence etc (phase change etc). I think there's a long way to go - assuming that you have freshly started with OpenFOAM. Ignore if this is _NOT_ the case with you.

I would suggest first having hands dirty with OpenFVM (it is available on sourceforge). The code-base is relatively small and has _NO_ dependency (simple ONE_FILE exe on Windows and ONE_FILE executable for Linux) - Yes the developer has supplied it precompiled - binary.

Keep us posted about your progress. All the best.

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