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Liquid rocket engine non-premixed combustion model

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Old   March 16, 2007, 00:05
Default Liquid rocket engine non-premixed combustion model
Posts: n/a
I am attempting to develop a non-premixed combustion model of a liquid rocket engine fueled by cryogenic liquid oxygen and kerosene (RP1). I am relatively new to Fluent, CFD in general, and combustion.

I have worked though a number of the tutorials and have read the relevant portions of the user manual. Does anyone have any suggestions on additional resources that I might find useful as I develop this model?

I have started by generating a simple model using simplified geometry and a simplified injector. Does anyone know if there is any test case data out there that uses these two propellants â€" ideally I would like to compare my results to existing data in order to gain confidence in my approach.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that walks through the basic set-up for a liquid-liquid combustor model? This is the area where I am currently struggling â€" I'm having trouble figuring out how to model the two liquid streams and how to "turn-on" combustion.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Erik

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Old   March 16, 2007, 09:45
Default Re: Liquid rocket engine non-premixed combustion m
Seeker Phil
Posts: n/a
Hi Erik, You have raised some good questions and the nature of your problem being the way it is, does not lend itself to being literature friendly. To start with, I'd say use simple cases. Try to model a gas phase reaction with a basic turbulence model. To turn on combustion in this case, all you need to do is enable the energy equation modeling. Once you get this going, you can then use particle/droplet injection, kinetic rate chemistry and complex turbulence. I have seen some literature on LOX/LH2 and LOX/GH2 cases in the past. You may try to find some of this as it might be helpful. - Phil

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Old   November 28, 2013, 15:09
Smile Hi Phil
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Vatan Yadav
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Originally Posted by Seeker Phil
Hi Erik, You have raised some good questions and the nature of your problem being the way it is, does not lend itself to being literature friendly. To start with, I'd say use simple cases. Try to model a gas phase reaction with a basic turbulence model. To turn on combustion in this case, all you need to do is enable the energy equation modeling. Once you get this going, you can then use particle/droplet injection, kinetic rate chemistry and complex turbulence. I have seen some literature on LOX/LH2 and LOX/GH2 cases in the past. You may try to find some of this as it might be helpful. - Phil

I am also working on rocket engine. can you please send me some tutorial for combustion in rocket engine?
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