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Error when setting solar-calculator

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Old   March 6, 2007, 07:14
Default Error when setting solar-calculator
Andrew Berner
Posts: n/a
I'm currently working to develop the aerobody for our college's next solar car. The solar load model in Fluent has been very useful in helping assess how curvature changes will alter the power output from the solar array. I've been trying to create a journal that will use the solar calculator to determine the sun angle at a given location for half-hour intervals during the day. At each half hour, the sun vector is determined from the solar calculator and the illumination parameters are set using empirical data from the NOAA surfrad network. The mesh is initialized to perform the raytracing, and then a surface integral is taken over the array zone for the wall flux of reflected visible radiation. When using the TUI command to set the solar calculator in fluent 6.2.16 and 6.3.x, entering values for each prompt results in the error "Error: unbound variable" followed by "Error Object: %rp-var-value". This error halts journal execution, which is obviously problematic. Can anyone tell me what settings might influence this issue? Thanks.

Full journal file follows:

file/read-case G:\Fluent.Inc\idears\thin_body_block_canopy.msh grid/scale .001 .001 .001 define/models/radiation solar? yes define/boundary-conditions/wall ground 0 no 0 no no no 0 no no no no yes no 1 no 1 define/boundary-conditions/wall canopy 0 no 0 no no no 0 no no no no yes no 1 no 1 define/boundary-conditions/wall body 0 no 0 no no no 0 no no no no yes no 1 no 1 define/boundary-conditions/wall array 0 no 0 no no no 0 no no no no yes no 0.75295 no 0.75295 define/boundary-conditions/outflow rear_outflow 1 no define/boundary-conditions/velocity-inlet front_inlet no no yes yes no 0 yes no 300 no define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/illumination-parameters/ constant 735.69 constant 58.87 1 define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/sun-direction-vector 0 0 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/illumination-parameters/ constant 790.8 constant 66.3 1 define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/sun-direction-vector 0 0 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow yes report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" yes define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/illumination-parameters/ constant 830.52 constant 72.49 1 define/models/radiation/solar-parameters/sun-direction-vector 0 0 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow yes report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" yes define/models/radiation/solar-calculator 40.06 -88.37 -6 0 1 0 1 0 0 16 7 8 15 no 1 define/models/radiation/illumination-parameters/ constant 860.72 constant 76.75 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow yes report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" yes define/models/radiation/solar-calculator 40.06 -88.37 -6 0 1 0 1 0 0 16 7 8 45 no 1 define/models/radiation/illumination-parameters/ constant 883.97 constant 80.47 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow yes report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" yes define/models/radiation/solar-calculator 40.06 -88.37 -6 0 1 0 1 0 0 16 7 9 15 no 1 define/models/radiation/illumination-parameters/ constant 903.13 constant 83.14 1 solve/initialize/initialize-flow yes report/surface-integrals/integral array () refl-vis-solar-flux yes "solar.srp" yes
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