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Coupled solver problem!

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Old   February 28, 2007, 07:19
Default Coupled solver problem!
Posts: n/a
Dear Madam and Sir,

am trying to model (in 2D) a solid piston travelling down a cylinder in axisymmetric, nonstationary, nonisothermal and compressible configuration.

The 2D model is the cross section of the piston/cylinder arrangement taken along it's axial length. The problem is modelled in Gambit as follows. It is actually split up into three sections which proceed horizontally from left to right as follows:

The first third has a pressure inlet (High pressure 18 bar) as the left hand boundary followed by a rectangular grid for the fluid region following the slug.

The right hand boundary for this section (lower pressure 1 bar) is a wall which is actually the left hand (trailing) edge of the moving slug.

The middle third is actually a space which represents the body of the piston. The third section has a wall for it's left hand boundary which represents the right hand edge of the piston then a rectangular mesh for the fluid ahead of the piston, the right hand boundary of this section is a pressure outlet. I have a udf which compiles and will move the piston at a variable speed.

My question is Could tell me if I can use coupled solver?
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