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physical properties of smoke

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Old   December 6, 2006, 04:34
Default physical properties of smoke
Posts: n/a
hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a fire and instead of simulating combustion, i want to release smoke from a surface. However, i could not find physical properties (density, viscosity, etc.) of smoke. does anyone has a suggestion? thanx...
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Old   December 6, 2006, 15:15
Default Re: physical properties of smoke
Posts: n/a
If I understand your problem right.... you will need to know the chemical composition of "smoke" depending on how you produce the "fire" Once you know the chemical compostion and the mass fractions you can easily release this from an inlet boundary. Hope this helps Phil
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Old   December 7, 2006, 02:27
Default Re: physical properties of smoke
Posts: n/a
Thank you for your response Phil: My main problem is i dont have necessary hardware (such as enough ram) to simulate combustion nor release number of species (CO, CO2, H2O, soot etc.) from a surface. Instead I am trying to find out what would be the viscosity and density of a typical smoke. Instead of releasing 4-5 different species from a surface, i would have to release one specie into air. Since it would be impossible to duplicate chemical combination of a car fire, anything close to it would be enough for me. I hope it is a bit more clear...
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Old   December 19, 2006, 04:20
Default smoke (fire simulation)
Posts: n/a
hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a fire and instead of simulating combustion, i want to release smoke from a surface. However, i could not find physical properties (density, viscosity, etc.) of smoke. does anyone has a suggestion? My main problem is i dont have necessary hardware (such as enough ram) to simulate combustion nor release number of species (CO, CO2, H2O, soot etc.) from a surface. Instead I am trying to find out what would be the viscosity and density of a typical smoke. Instead of releasing 4-5 different species from a surface, i just want to release air and smoke mixture into air. Since it would be impossible to duplicate chemical combination of a car fire, anything close to it would be enough for me. I hope it is clear. thanx much

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