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impossible for fluent 6 to handle wall functions!?

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Old   November 15, 2006, 20:18
Default impossible for fluent 6 to handle wall functions!?
Posts: n/a
I am working with air pollution dispersion on urban environments. Thus the roughness is the buildings and can be in the order of z0=1 to 3 meters. But for fluent is is 10 to 30 times bigger because fluent uses the grain roughness (it is better explained in the link below).

Soo, fluent has to model a rougness of at least 10 meters and thus we can not have cells smaller that that at the ground. But having cells with 10 meters is too coarse for such a problem.

Please, read the following article from october 2006.

If we have comments please help me has the authors point out that for now fluent 6.2 is not able to handle this.

However we need

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