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periodic condition at parallel solver

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Old   October 18, 2006, 11:38
Default periodic condition at parallel solver
Amer Mahmood
Posts: n/a
Dear Fluent users,

I am simulating water flow in rectangular duct with periodic B.C. at inlet & outlet. If I read the grid in Fluent6.2 on single cpu, grid check command gives no errors. On the other hand if i read same grid using 4cpu parallel machine, grid check gives warning and fails. The printed warning is "incorrect face count".

I will be thankful if any of you can tell me the solution to this problem.


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Old   October 18, 2006, 13:20
Default Re: periodic condition at parallel solver
Posts: n/a
Don't setup your periodic geometry in parallel if you can help it. I don't know if they fixed this problem in 6.3, but its a common problem in 6.2 (and most earlier releases I believe). It has to do with how the periodic boundaries are sent out to the different nodes. Sometimes it'll work, but most times it won't.

Setup your geometry on the single machine (I recommend doing BCs, models, monitors, etc... everything so that all you have to do when you read it later is initialize and run), then go to Parallel->Partition and define how you want to partition your grid (usually I use Principle Axis and only change the number of partitions I plan on using... I leave everything else the same, but you can play around with the settings to try to improve the partitioning for your particular problem). Then write the case. Once you have a partitioned case written, you can read it into a parallel Fluent process and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps, and good luck, Jason
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Old   October 18, 2006, 17:14
Default Re: periodic condition at parallel solver
Amer Mahmood
Posts: n/a
thankyou Jason. I will try this.

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Old   October 28, 2019, 09:34
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 31
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hyugakojiro999 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Jason
Don't setup your periodic geometry in parallel if you can help it. I don't know if they fixed this problem in 6.3, but its a common problem in 6.2 (and most earlier releases I believe). It has to do with how the periodic boundaries are sent out to the different nodes. Sometimes it'll work, but most times it won't.

Setup your geometry on the single machine (I recommend doing BCs, models, monitors, etc... everything so that all you have to do when you read it later is initialize and run), then go to Parallel->Partition and define how you want to partition your grid (usually I use Principle Axis and only change the number of partitions I plan on using... I leave everything else the same, but you can play around with the settings to try to improve the partitioning for your particular problem). Then write the case. Once you have a partitioned case written, you can read it into a parallel Fluent process and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps, and good luck, Jason

didnt work for 18.1
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