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Gambit unable to allocate dynamic memory

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Old   October 2, 2006, 13:59
Default Gambit unable to allocate dynamic memory
Abhijeet Karnik
Posts: n/a
Hello Ralf, Jason, zxaar,

Please let me know if you can shed light on a similar issue I have. I Approximately have 10,000 volumes. Its a tunnel, with its wall made up of brick, some of which have been removed to create holes in the wall, so that the gases can pass through it and into the tunnel. So I have to split the wall with the open holes (which are approx. 540 per wall with about 14 walls), and I have more volumes to make up the geometry. Its a Furnace which i'm modeling.

Now the issue, when i split those volumes and later try to save the file Gambit gives me this error - "unable to allocate 158934873 bytes dynamic memory". I have a Dell Xeon with dual CPU's @ 3.8 Ghz and 12 GB Ram. I have increased the page file size to 10 GB.Windows Xp 64 bit.

I havent even tried to mesh the file yet. Does any one of you know what the issue could be? Or does this reflect a limit on the nodes/edges/volumes.

Thanks, Abhijeet
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