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Forced Convection

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Old   September 29, 2006, 19:10
Default Forced Convection
Posts: n/a
I had no takers the first time I posted this. Does anyone have any ideas?

I am trying to model forced convection with a gas flow through a carrier pipe and cooling water flowing through the annular space between the carrier pipe and a jacket pipe. There do not seem to be any tutorials that are this specific.

Since I am new to Fluent, does anyone have any directions or suggestions on how to accomplish this?

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Old   September 29, 2006, 21:01
Default Re: Forced Convection
dhafeer AL-Shamkhi
Posts: n/a
can you helpe me to solve my problem about forced convection on hot tube between two parallel plates how can solve this problem by using fluent software
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Old   September 29, 2006, 23:20
Default Re: Forced Convection
Posts: n/a
It does not matter how many times you post your problem, it is the way you are describing and presenting it. If you are using the software in a legal way, your support engineer can guide you to solve it. From your description, I guess a 2D cylinderical section can be used. in Gambit, draw a axis parallel to the x-axis, a number of lines parallel(and perpendicular) to this axis will form your domain, the heat transfer between your two regions (Fluids) has to be considered, so give the wall separating them a thickness, etc... as you can see, I can go to more details, but I do not know the objective of the analysis, the results expected, etc...

Do Not Assume the I (or any reader of this forum) understand the problem as you do, so if you are seeking outside help, help the readers of this forum to help you. Wish you luck
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Old   September 30, 2006, 10:03
Default Re: Forced Convection
Posts: n/a
I apologize for the generality of my question. I am an undergraduate student with no experience using Fluent. Right now, I am applying for a grant to get some time on the Alabama Super Computer for a senior project. This is how I intend to access Fluent.

Right now, I am trying to gather information on how to use Fluent in order to minimize the learning curve when I get access to the software.

I came to this board because there are many tutorials for ANSYS, but I cannot find any tutorials for Fluent. I was hoping that someone could point me to a tutorial that fit the general description of the problem which I stated in my original post.
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Old   October 1, 2006, 01:48
Default Re: Forced Convection
Posts: n/a
1- google for fluent tutorials, there is a pair of good sites 2- if you are ready to spend $100 + taxes, get the student version of fluent , a good number of tutorials are free for download 3- do not expect to find a tutorial that matches your problem, you have to build your own expertise, you will need to take the advanced fluid mechanics course, then you will take more graduate courses, and etc... Good luck and nice learning journey
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